Wednesday, March 31, 2010
alahai....2 3 ari ni clumsy btol aku....bju asyik kotor je....smalam kena kuah masak lemak kt lengan bju kesayangan aku....ari ni kena kuah kailan ikan masin plak kt baju kurung aku.....abes bau ikan masin kt baju aku...trpksa bsoh bnyk la nseb aku....pnat btol nk mmbasuh bnyk2 bju ni...bru je bsoh smalam ari ni baju dh sparuh baldi dh.....apa kes???aku pn x tau bila msa aku pkai bju bnyk2 xpala....bsoh jela bju tiap2 ari....smpn lma2 pn x elok gk....lpas ni klas ctu....msa tuk dgr lagu...hahahhaha.....lpas tu statistic plak pkul 2.......mlm bel aku free!!!!!!!!!!!xda klas dh!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahah....hepy gla..........msa tuk njoy!!!!!!!!!!haipppp.....NUR ADILA....kena study la.....exam dh dekat....=(.....k la....chowcincau....
Monday, March 29, 2010
.jpg)
bgun2 pg ni je aku xdak mood...geram btol...rsa cm nk marah ja....aaahhhhhhhhH!!!!!!npe ni?????aku x ska la nk marah2 ni....tlong la cool cket ok.....relax......i need something la to cheer me bnda tu xdak plak skang ni.....cmna ek....hmmmmm....xpala...sbar jela....nnt ada la 2....dh la bgun lmbat ni...trus sakit kpala....haiiiyyyoooooo......jgn la cmni...sihat2 la wahai bdn ku.......
hepy birthday....
hari lahir aku hari ini......hepy sgt.......btambah dh umo aku.....bsyukur dpt hidup lg kt bumi btuah ni.....kt kwn2 yg wish...thnx so much...sdey mya x ingt besday aku...hmmm....xpela...dia cbuk kot....wt kwn2 yg curah air smpai 5 baldi kt aku smalam thanx so much gk sbb wt aku sm tketaq2....hahahahah....aku ingtkn smua bz korang x wt pape...tgk2 kna xpala kwn2....aku syg smua kwn2 aku....kcuali mya sbb dia x wish kt aku pn(tp syg gk sbnrnya).......hepy buzday....
Sunday, March 28, 2010
derma darah.....
tajok cam aku je yg derma darah....hahahah...bukan la.....aku TEMAN org derma darah....hahahaha.....takot la...tgk jarum dia besar sgt....geli tgk darah dok mengalir tu....eieieie...siang td kua bli tuttt ngan fendy....hahaha...korang teka la pa ek......syaida ckap slumber je aku bwk dia....hahahaha....lntak la...dh xda spa nk tmn kn aku kua....dia je yg tgl...klau da syaida xpa la jugak,...huhuh.....lpas tu cari kdai mkn....smua xda jual mknan pnas....1 jengka ni kami pusing....laz2 da 1 kdai ni je ada jual mskan panas....bengang btol...nseb bek sdap la jugak....lpastu baru aku tmn dia g derma darah.....bpak lama gila aku tgu........rmai plak org yg nk derma darah ari ni.......dkt sejam lbey gk la....lma btol....aku tgk dia derma darah rilex je....lpas tu cm xda pa pn...bgun2 cm org sehat ja....hahahaha...bgos btol...klau aku dh pengsan pa....hahahahahh....lpas tu balek...x tau nk wt pa lgu cket.....2 jela....dok layan lagu cinta abadi....bez gila lagu 2 wei.....k la....chowcincau....
Friday, March 26, 2010
hepy buzday pak cik!!!hahaha.....dh tua dh.......adiah???akirnya dpt jugak aku bg pk cik sekor ni adiah.....alang2 dia nk beli baju...aku tlg bayarkn....senang cta....x yah susah2 nk pk nk bg pa....hahahah....aku pn suka baju tu.....cantek sgt.......huhuh...k la...dh ngantok...nyte...chowcinchow.....
weekend again....
ujong mgu ni kna tgl lg....syaida balek umah....xpela....ingtkn mgu ni dh leh x lg rupanya....kna get ready tuk presentation business plan aku tu....mampos la...dh la mcm2 aku mncarut dlm business plan tu...nk ckp ape la 1st lg tau....hahahah...poyo je kitorang mntak nk jd group 1st td....hahahaha.....aku mls nk tgu lma2...bia habes cpt sng nk pk dh...wt je pa yg msa lma pn lbey kurang je hasil dia......nk wt pa ek ujong mgu ni????hmmmm....bosan btol....nk wt keja mls....adoiyai.....apa nk jd ni...pemalas btol...exam dh la nk dkt dh....x sedar2 lg ke NUR ADILA?????????BLOM!!!!!HAHAHAHHA....tgu study week nnt bru la nk sdar diri.....hahahaha....apa daa....k la...xtau nk mencarut pa dh...chowcinchow...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
xde air!!!!tidak!!!!!!mampos la aku.....bju dh bnyk x basoh ni....air plak xda....cmna nk mnd???cmna nk gsok gg???cmna nk cuci muka????adoyai......ingtkn zaman skolah je nk kena angkut air pkau baldi....dkt u pn kna cm2 redho jela....dh nseb bdn.....apa leh wt kn....ok...tutup cita bab air.....cita baru plak ek.....sambung cita,i'm ok....bia la bnda 2 brlalu walaupun trasa pedih sgt....mula kn yg baru k....aku harap apa yg dia ckp tu btol.....dia xkn wt cmtu lg.....2 harapan aku skrang ni....ok...full adam ckp ngan aku....comel gla suara dia....hahahaha......nk piza la,apa la....huhuhu....ska dgr suara dia.....1st time dia ckp ngan aku....huhuhuh....tkejut gk time mula2 lyan jela....budak2 kn....hhuhhu....k la..ptg ni klas pkul 2....pastu pkul 5 g mne tennis plak....mlm da discussion mgt nseb bek xde tez mgu ni....k...chowcinchow....
it's hurt.......=(
hmmmm......xtau nk tulis yg pasti dia dh sktkn hati sprti biasa aku yg mngalah walaupun dlm ati ni tuhan je yg tau....nmpak cm bnda ni kecik xtau npa rsa cm sakitnya dlm sgt.....hmmm...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
sorry again...
dia btol2 mrah kt aku nmpaknya....msg aku pn dh x blas....hmmmm...aku ni dh la x reti nk pjuk2 org ni....kdg2 pk lantak la kt kdg2 tepk, sian plak kt dia....hmmm....sory la wei...aku x pndai nk pjuk2 org ni....ang pn x ckp kta ang marah aku tny ckp xpe....mna la aku nk tau....len kli trus terang k...aku x marah punye la(cm la dia bca..hahahha)...sory ekkkkk.........
hmmmm....aku rsa cm dia mrah kt aku je....aku skt pn dia wt bodo je...ermm....aku kena mntak maaf ke????tp klau dia x mrah aku pn nnt wt malu je....hmmm...cmne ek??adooyai.....susahnye cmni....aku mntak maaf kt cni jela w'pun dia xkn bca....sory ek wei...bkn aku sengaja wt cmtu.....aduh...rsa besalahnya.....tidak!!!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
nice day!!!
smalam aku g jln2 kt temerloh...wlaupun snlom ni dh bnyk kali dh pegi tp x penah lg jln2 cm smalam....satu temerloh tu aku pusing...jln kaki plak tu...hahahahha....bez sgt...sweet memories la dlam idup aku....lpas jln2 g mkn la...aktiviti wajib tu...hahahahha....tetba plak asa tringin nk nek bot pusing sg pahang.....wah!!!mnarik gla......walau pun agak mhal tp bez sgt.....x rugi rsa.....hahahahah...bebaloi-baloi bak kata fahrin....hahahahah.....lpas ni nk g lg la....huhuhu....lepas tu................bli sliper baru!!!!hahahahha.....smpat lg 2.....sbnrnya xde niat pn nk bli time nk g tmerloh tu.....tetba je idea tu dtg.....hahahahah.......dkt maghrib bru kitorang balek....smapi2 gjengka g psar plak......niat d hati nk mkn kdai tu tutup palk......aduyai....kempunan aku....laz2 bli rangka ayam ja....hahahaahh.....msok je uitm ingt nk g usha formacc nite x stat apa lg....kitorang mlnatak dlu la ayam rangka td tu.....hahahaha....aku plak yg mkn lbey....sdap!!!pastu tgk formacc nite jup...balek sambung tgk tb plak ngan lyn...tgk bujang sepah silalalitamplom.....hahahhahahah...gelak guling2 aku ngan lyn.....pastu balek tdo.....zzzzzzzzz....a very nice day.....chowcinchow....





Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
=( ....... =) .........=(
hari ni bermula dgn mood yg kureng baik.....sbb pk bnyk bnda nk kena stdy...bengong aku gagah kn jugak....lpas abes bca eco aku pn online la....hati gumbira bila line tenet laju gila time tgh2 sronok online tetba.............scroll mouse aku rosak!!!!!tidak!!!!!gram aku...susah la bila scroll ni x leh guna...mlambatkn keja aku je....aduh...apela naseb....g klas akaun dgn xde smangat lgsg......tetba lg.....hahahha...kakngah anta msg...bapak bank in duet....yahooo!!!!!!gumbira hati x dpt digambarkn.......aku x mntk pn bpak dh paham2 je....wakakakka.....bgos2.....tros smangat nk wt latihan lpas tu.....nseb ebk btol....hahahha...balek tu nk kena g men tennis plak....pnatnya.....letih....lapar....smua ada....gagahkn la jugak g men tennis....balek je dr tu syaida dh siap bekemas dh nk g vietnam.....lg la aku sdey...nk kena tgl!!!!!sorang2 la aku pasni.....hmmm.....sunyi......... =(
Monday, March 15, 2010
what girls want....
1. Touch her waist.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she's beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she's your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her
24. Make her feel loved.
25-kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!!!!
26-don't lie to her.
27-DON'T cheat on her.
28-take her ANYWHERE she wants
29-txt messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
30-be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her.
36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible
41. Call or text her at night to wish her SWEET DREAMS
42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS Remind her how much you love her.
45.sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
46. When you hug her from behind, or are standing behind her with your hands on her waist, pull her in even closer by putting your fingers through her belt loops
47. Move her hair out of her face when you're talking to her
48. Hug her every time you see her. Hold her close to you
49. Don't let her walk away from you, chase after her
50. Kiss her in the pouring rain..not just a quick kiss..really mean it.
51. Unzip your jacket and hug her, cuddling with her under your jacket
52. Tell her you love her at a random lets her know you are always thinking of her
53. Kiss her on the forehead. It says more than just passion and lust, it shows respect and adoration.
54. Introduce her to your friends, and tell them that she's yours. Kiss her in front of them.
55.Touch her face or neck when kissing her ♥
56. If she comes to you crying, hug her tightly and say "Who's ass am i kicking babe?"
57. Look into her eyes while you tell her shes beautiful and it will mean more to her than any conversation
58. Never give up on her
59. Stay awake all night talking to her if she needs someone, she'll return the favor if you were ever in need.
60. When she tries to push you away, hold her closer and tell her that you're not going to leave
61. Don't act jealous but make sure she knows that you are protective of her.
62. Let her know she could have you forever if she wanted to (only if you mean it)
63. Push her on a swingset. Kiss her at night on the playground in a public park
64. Tell her she is worth dying for (only if you mean it)
65. walk up to her if you see her coming and give her a hug and slowly kiss her ♥
66. When you suggest going somewhere or doing something, give them a straight yes or no; none of the 'up to you' or 'it doesn't matter to me' stuff
67. push her hair back, and whisper in her ear that you love her. (only if you mean it)
68. tell her she looks beautiful not sexy. :)
69. surprise her with little things like take her to a place where you can both just lay under the stars and laugh with each other and feel how much you two connect.
70. Offer to treat her and pay for things, but don't do it every single time, although we love it, we don't want to feel completely dependent on you
71. Be there for her and help to take care of her when shes sick
72. NEVER bring up ex Gf, even the littlest bits, Unless she brings it up. Then dont say much
73. take her to the place were you first met and say " this is were the best thing in my life happened " (only if you mean it)
74. take her hand in yours while watching a movie and kiss it once, out of the blue. don't let go afterwards
75. Remind her how you feel when you're with her, when you look at her, when you kiss her...
76. Make sure she knows how you see her...both on the outside and on the inside. Telling her these things will make her feel less insecure, less of a burden, and more thought of and loved.
77. we absolutely LOVE when you touch our hair. push it away from our face, put your hands through it just while watching a movie, play with it while just hanging out, and put your hand through her hair during a big hug.
2. Actually talk to her.
3. Share secrets with her.
4. Give her your jacket.
5. Kiss her slowly.
6. Hug her.
7. Hold her.
8. Laugh with her.
9. Invite her somewhere.
10. Hangout with her and your friends together.
11. Smile with her.
12. Take pictures with her.
13. Pull her onto your lap.
14. When she says she loves you more, deny it. Fight back.
15. When her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she can't get to her friends. it makes her feel loved.
16. Always hug her and say I love you whenever you see her.
17. Kiss her unexpectedly.
18. Hug her from behind around the waist.
19. Tell her she's beautiful.
20. Tell her the way you feel about her.
21. Open doors for her, walk her to her car- it makes her feel protected, plus it never hurts to act like a gentleman.
22. Tell her she's your everything - only if you mean it.
23. If it seems like there is something wrong, ask her- if she denies something being wrong, it means SHE DOESN'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT- so just hug her
24. Make her feel loved.
25-kiss her in front of OTHER girls you know!!!!
26-don't lie to her.
27-DON'T cheat on her.
28-take her ANYWHERE she wants
29-txt messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at work {or school}, and how much you MISS her.
30-be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can ALWAYS count on you.
31. Hold her close when she's cold so she can hold YOU too.
32. When you are ALONE hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the CHEEK; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her).
34. While in the movies, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her LIGHTLY.
35. Dont EVER tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her.
36. When people DISS her, stand up for her.
37. Look deep into her EYES and tell her you love her.
38. Lay down under the STARS and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you.
39. When walking next to each other grab her HAND.
40. When you hug her HOLD her in your arms as long as possible
41. Call or text her at night to wish her SWEET DREAMS
42. COMFORT her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for LONG walks at night.
44. ALWAYS Remind her how much you love her.
45.sit on top of her and tell her how much u love her and then bend down to her face and kiss her while sitting on her.
46. When you hug her from behind, or are standing behind her with your hands on her waist, pull her in even closer by putting your fingers through her belt loops
47. Move her hair out of her face when you're talking to her
48. Hug her every time you see her. Hold her close to you
49. Don't let her walk away from you, chase after her
50. Kiss her in the pouring rain..not just a quick kiss..really mean it.
51. Unzip your jacket and hug her, cuddling with her under your jacket
52. Tell her you love her at a random lets her know you are always thinking of her
53. Kiss her on the forehead. It says more than just passion and lust, it shows respect and adoration.
54. Introduce her to your friends, and tell them that she's yours. Kiss her in front of them.
55.Touch her face or neck when kissing her ♥
56. If she comes to you crying, hug her tightly and say "Who's ass am i kicking babe?"
57. Look into her eyes while you tell her shes beautiful and it will mean more to her than any conversation
58. Never give up on her
59. Stay awake all night talking to her if she needs someone, she'll return the favor if you were ever in need.
60. When she tries to push you away, hold her closer and tell her that you're not going to leave
61. Don't act jealous but make sure she knows that you are protective of her.
62. Let her know she could have you forever if she wanted to (only if you mean it)
63. Push her on a swingset. Kiss her at night on the playground in a public park
64. Tell her she is worth dying for (only if you mean it)
65. walk up to her if you see her coming and give her a hug and slowly kiss her ♥
66. When you suggest going somewhere or doing something, give them a straight yes or no; none of the 'up to you' or 'it doesn't matter to me' stuff
67. push her hair back, and whisper in her ear that you love her. (only if you mean it)
68. tell her she looks beautiful not sexy. :)
69. surprise her with little things like take her to a place where you can both just lay under the stars and laugh with each other and feel how much you two connect.
70. Offer to treat her and pay for things, but don't do it every single time, although we love it, we don't want to feel completely dependent on you
71. Be there for her and help to take care of her when shes sick
72. NEVER bring up ex Gf, even the littlest bits, Unless she brings it up. Then dont say much
73. take her to the place were you first met and say " this is were the best thing in my life happened " (only if you mean it)
74. take her hand in yours while watching a movie and kiss it once, out of the blue. don't let go afterwards
75. Remind her how you feel when you're with her, when you look at her, when you kiss her...
76. Make sure she knows how you see her...both on the outside and on the inside. Telling her these things will make her feel less insecure, less of a burden, and more thought of and loved.
77. we absolutely LOVE when you touch our hair. push it away from our face, put your hands through it just while watching a movie, play with it while just hanging out, and put your hand through her hair during a big hug.

Saturday, March 13, 2010
nk jiwang cket ari ni leh x????hahaha...perlu ke mntak kebanaran...lantak aku la kn....hahahha....aku ni xde la jiwang sgt....kdg2 geli gk jiwang2 ni...wakakakak....poyo je....xnk la...x bez la tajok jiwang aku layan movie...yes man...lawak!!!ska sgt tgk muka jim carrey....hahahah...x ley blah doe....dh 2 ari x mkn nasi.....lpar!!!!esok aku nk mlantak nasi puas2....klau x dpt nasi gk esok aku xtau la cmne.....bosan mkn nasi kt kafe....asyik lauk sma je....ayam,ayam,ayam dan ayam....ahhhh....nk balek mkn gulai mak!!!!bila la nk dpt balek ni.....cpt la cket exam...aku dh x larat nk blaja dh ni...tolong g temerloh ngan bum...parents dia blanja mkn.....huhuhuh....bez2.....aku x blaja pn ari ni....abes la aku....dh la klas eco aritu mmg aku x dpt pa lgsung....ngantok gla kot time 2.....x tahan....dgn tgk tuttt.....lg la x smangat nk blaja....haishhh....dh2....tukar topik...akhirnya,impian aku trcapai nk beli baju superman...hahahaha...jgn gelakkan aku...dr dlu lg mmg aku tringin baju 2....wana x sempat amek gmbar....nnt aku ltak ek....slipar bru je blom bli lg....nnt la tgu sale.....huhuhuh...mcm la da bnyk duet sngt....skang ni pn dh sengkek...cpt btol duet aku abes bulan ni....aduh...saket la klau cmni slalu...klau bpak aku tau duet pt aku dh nk abes x ke 1 hal tu...haiyyaa.....k la...sblum berpisah ni da gmbar aku...huhuh...chawcinchow....



Monday, March 8, 2010
niat di hati nk study ctu ptg ni....nmpaknya hajatku x kesampaian la....buka je buku mata jd, aku pn ubah target kepada katil...hahaha...bila dh sedap baring tetba x leh nk pejam plak....aduhh...laz2 skali bkak lappy la senang...hahaha..tringat plak kt buchuk aku ni..trasa nk ubah slera cket...huuhuh...aku pn basuh cket sana sini...dh siap!!hahaha..ckup la tu tuk ari ni...mlas nk men photoscape arini...xde gmbar trbaru nk edit...hahaha...nmpaknya dh isytihar perang photoscape dh antara aku ngan fendy...aku xkn kalah ngan klas smpai pkul 2...dh da asgment baru...baru ingat nk rehat cket minggu ni....aduyai...bila la nk abes smua ni...dh x sbar nk cuti dh ni...mlas dh nk dok cni....smalam tgh2 sedap aku dok online tetba syaida soh tutup tingkap...dlm ati aku mmg ingat da pontianak je kt lua tu....bpak tkot...rupa2nya da org kena rasuk kt aras aku...tkejut gla...trus aku tutup lappy n landing ats katil...spanjang mlm asyik tepk xpa..lma2 dh okla....markah kuiz eco td x bpa memuaskn ati aku sbb aku bnyk slah kt tmpat yg senang....ape ke jadahnya???bnda sng leh xpela...aku msti usha lbey lg time test nnt(jgn ckp je)...hahahah....ari ni da lg mulut2 yg x penat2 nk begosip...ingtkn dh xda dh...rupanya da lg yg dok kta kt blakang aku...siap tgk plek lg td....suka ati hampa la...aku dh mlas nk ckp pa dh...
k da cket lg gmbar photoscape smalam...slamt cuci mata la ek...chowcincau...



k da cket lg gmbar photoscape smalam...slamt cuci mata la ek...chowcincau...

Saturday, March 6, 2010
tepat pkul 12 tengahhari td....lega gila aku...akhirnya abes jugak seksa aku tuk minggu ni...abes dh test akaun...alhamdulillah...smua jln lancar....balek2 je tros bnda prtama wt aku download photoscape...mmbe aku la ni yg dok rancak wt bnda ni..aku pn tringin gk nk blaja...stelah hampir 1 jam aku menggeledah bnda alah ni akhirnya aku berjaya juga edit gmbar bley tahan ok la jugak....baru 1st time wt kn...kira ok la bg org yg x kreatif cm aku ni kn...hahahah...seharian jugak la aku explore bnda ni...try wt mcm2....lpas tu tdo kejap...ptg plak g psar mlm....beli mee rojak....1st time mkn...hahahhaa....not bad la rasa dia...aktiviti biasa aku dihujung minggu di waktu mlm semetinya lepak kt bilik tv tetba plak blik tv kunci td...bengang,tukar plan la....g lepak bilik boom...karaoke kejap...bca paper ngan lyn...keja gelak je...da je bnda kotor yg kitorang pk....hahahaha...msok senah skali lg la...hahahahha...x tahan btol sembang ngan diorang ni...smpai x sedar dh nk dkt pkul 1....hahahha...pastu balek terus online balek....meneruskn keja photoscape aku tunjuk sikit beberapa hasil keja aku....k la...chowcinchow....






Thursday, March 4, 2010
buzy+vios trd
ada 2 test minggu ngan akaun...redho aku xnk cite psal test!!nk cite psal da spe ntah bwk bmw 5 series..bpak arr...mcm nk g curi ja...1 hari nnt harap aku dpt la tido dlm keta 2...hahahah....tido pn jd la kn....

td usha vios la...tringin nk pkai....x yah la keta mhal2...vios pn dh ok la 2...nmpak sdap je klau dpt bawak kn....


smart kn warna putih ni....aduh..bkenan gla dh ni.....bla la aku nk dpt kn???hmmm...blaja pn x abes lg dh brangan ckp psal keta ni....aku tau tgk lua je...klau mai bab dlm2 ni sori la...1 pa pn aku xtau...hahahah...xpe2...nnt dh da vios trd ni aku akn blaja cmna nk sayang kereta ni....hahahahha...dh brangan jauh dh aku ni...ok..abes dh bab kereta....nnt2 kita cita bnda len plak k...chowcinchow....

td usha vios la...tringin nk pkai....x yah la keta mhal2...vios pn dh ok la 2...nmpak sdap je klau dpt bawak kn....


smart kn warna putih ni....aduh..bkenan gla dh ni.....bla la aku nk dpt kn???hmmm...blaja pn x abes lg dh brangan ckp psal keta ni....aku tau tgk lua je...klau mai bab dlm2 ni sori la...1 pa pn aku xtau...hahahah...xpe2...nnt dh da vios trd ni aku akn blaja cmna nk sayang kereta ni....hahahahha...dh brangan jauh dh aku ni...ok..abes dh bab kereta....nnt2 kita cita bnda len plak k...chowcinchow....
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
aku dh delete smua post....hahahah...gila sbantar....mlas dh la nk baca post2 lma 2...kta mulakn yg baru k...layout pn dh baru...huhuuh...ok ke ni???lantak x hitam putih je...bosan...ari ni aku saket leher...tegeliat time men tenis smalam(konon2 pro la 2).....hahahhaa....mmbe aku dh telentang dh tdo ni...aku???mlas la nk tdo....x rsa cm nk tdo wlaupn pnat aku stdy smalam tgk kuiz pg td x jd!!!siot btol...bia la...kra yg smalam 2 kira preparation tuk test mgu dpn la...tgk2 esok dh lupa....hahahahah...ape daa...plupa btol aku ni...balek2 td lyan 2pm...


nichkun...ska sgt..ensem doe...jd laki aku pn bez ni...hahahha....cite psal laki ni td fendy gtau benanah 2 budak uitm!!!gle la...bnyk btol benanah kt cni....hahaha...korang teka la sndiri benanah 2 apa btol aku bg 20 sen...hahaha...k la...nnt aku sambung cita lg...dh sakit tengkuk dh ni...chowcinchow...


nichkun...ska sgt..ensem doe...jd laki aku pn bez ni...hahahha....cite psal laki ni td fendy gtau benanah 2 budak uitm!!!gle la...bnyk btol benanah kt cni....hahaha...korang teka la sndiri benanah 2 apa btol aku bg 20 sen...hahaha...k la...nnt aku sambung cita lg...dh sakit tengkuk dh ni...chowcinchow...
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